International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) [translation missing for 'en'] Concept
Assigned collections
Broader terms
Internationale wissenschaftliche Institutionen, Forschungszentren, wissenschaftliche Vereinigungen [translation missing for 'en']
« Wissenschaftliche Institutionen, Forschungszentren, Wissenschaftliche Vereinigungen [translation missing for 'en']
« Organisationen, Institutionen, Programme und Stiftungen [translation missing for 'en']
Narrower terms
- ICES Advisory Committee on Ecosystems (ACE) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management (ACFM) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment (ACME) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES Consultative Committee [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES Council [translation missing for 'en']
ICES Management Committee on the Advisory Process (MCAP) [translation missing for 'en']
ICES Science Committees [translation missing for 'en']
ICES Working/Study Groups [translation missing for 'en']
Preferred labels German
- International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
Preferred labels English
Alternative labels German
- Internationaler Rat für die Nutzung des Meeres