ICES Working/Study Groups [translation missing for 'en'] Concept
Assigned collections
Broader terms
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) [translation missing for 'en']
« Internationale wissenschaftliche Institutionen, Forschungszentren, wissenschaftliche Vereinigungen [translation missing for 'en']
« Wissenschaftliche Institutionen, Forschungszentren, Wissenschaftliche Vereinigungen [translation missing for 'en']
« Organisationen, Institutionen, Programme und Stiftungen [translation missing for 'en']
Narrower terms
- Ad hoc Group for Western Irish Natura Sites (AGWINS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Ad Hoc Group on Real Time Management and Harvest Control Rules for Norway Pout in the North Sea and Skagerrak (AGNOP) [translation missing for 'en']
- Ad Hoc Group on Sandeel (AGSAN) [translation missing for 'en']
- Ad Hoc Group on Sandeel and Norway Pout (AGSANNOP) [translation missing for 'en']
- Ad-hoc Group on the Impacts of Sonar on Cetaceans and Fish (AGISC) [translation missing for 'en']
- Annual Meeting of Advisory-related Working Group Chairs (AMAWGC) [translation missing for 'en']
- Arctic Fisheries Working Group (AFWG) [translation missing for 'en']
- Baltic Fisheries Assessment Working Group (WGBFAS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Baltic International Fish Survey Working Group (WGBIFS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Baltic Salmon and Trout Working Group (WGBAST) [translation missing for 'en']
- Benthos Ecology Working Group (BEWG) [translation missing for 'en']
- Bureau Working Group Data Development Project (BWGDDP) [translation missing for 'en']
- Fisheries Statistics Liaison Working Group (WGSTAL) [translation missing for 'en']
- Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62° N (HAWG) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES - EuroGOOS Planning Group on the North Sea Pilot Project NORSEPP (PGNSP) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES - FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology & Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES - IOC Working Group on Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics (WGHABD) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES/GLOBEC Working Group on Cod and Climate Change (WGCCC) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES/GLOBEC Working Group on Life Cycle and Ecology of Small Pelagic Fish (WGLESP) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES/HELCOM Steering Group on Quality Assurance of Biological Measurements in the Baltic Sea (SGQAB) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES/HELCOM Steering Group on Quality Assurance of Chemical Measurements in the Baltic Sea (STGQAC) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES/HELCOM Working Group on Integrated Assessments of the Baltic Sea (WGIAB) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES/IOC/IMO Working Group on Ballast and Other Ship Vectors (WGBOSV) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES/NAFO Working Group on Harp and Hooded Seals (WGHARP) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES/NSCFP Study Group on the Incorperation of Additional Information from the Fishing Industry into Fish Stock Assessments (SGFI) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES/OSPAR Steering Group on Quality Assurance of Biological Measurements in the Northeast Atlantic (SGQAE) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES/OSPAR Workshop on Integrated Monitoring of Contaminants and their Effects in Coastal and Open-Sea Areas (WKIMON) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES/OSPAR/HELCOM Steering Group on Quality Assurance of Biological Measurements (STGQAB) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES/PICES/GLOBEC-SPACC Workshop on Changes in distribution and abundance of clupeiform small fish in relation to climate variability and global change (WKSPCLIM) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES-IOC Steering Group on GOOS (SGGOOS) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES-IOC Study Group on the Development of Marine Data Exchange Systems using XML (SGXML) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES-IOC-SCOR Study Group on GEOHAB Implementation in the Baltic (SGGIB) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES-IOC-SCOR Working Group on GEOHAB Implementation in the Baltic (WGGIB) [translation missing for 'en']
- ICES-NAFO Joint Working Group on Deep Water Ecology (WGDEC) [translation missing for 'en']
- International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group (IBTSWG) [translation missing for 'en']
- Joint EIFAC/ICES Working Group on Eels (WGEEL) [translation missing for 'en']
- Marine Chemistry Working Group (MCWG) [translation missing for 'en']
- Northern Pelagic and Blue Whiting Fisheries Working Group (WGNPBW) [translation missing for 'en']
- North-Western Working Group (NWWG) [translation missing for 'en']
- Pandalus Assessment Working Group (WGPAND) [translation missing for 'en']
- Planning Group for Herring Surveys (PGHERS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Planning Group on Aerial and Acoustic Surveys for Mackerel (PGAAM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Planning Group on Commercial Catch, Discards and Biological Sampling (PGCCDBS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Planning Group on North Sea Cod and Plaice Egg Surveys in the North Sea (PGEGGS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Planning Group on Northeast Atlantic Pelagic Ecosystem Surveys (PGNAPES) [translation missing for 'en']
- Planning Group on Operational Oceanographic Products (PGOOP) [translation missing for 'en']
- Planning Group on Phytoplankton and Microbial Ecology (PGPYME) [translation missing for 'en']
- Planning Group on the HAC Data Exchange Format (PGHAC) [translation missing for 'en']
- Planning Group on the North-east Atlantic continental slope survey (PGNEACS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Regional Ecosystem Study Group for the North Sea (REGNS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Review Group on Fisheries Surveys of North Sea Stocks (RGFS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Steering Group for the ICES/GLOBEC North Atlantic Programme and Regional Office (SGNARO) [translation missing for 'en']
- Steering Group on Stock Identity and Management Units of Whiting (SGSIMUW) [translation missing for 'en']
- Stock Identification Methods Working Group (SIMWG) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Goup on Mixed Fisheries Management (SGMIXMAN) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group for Bycatch of Protected Species (SGBYC) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group for Long Term Advice (SGLTA) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group for Phytoplankton and Protist Taxonomy (SGPPT) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Acoustic Seabed Classification (SGASC) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Ageing Issues in Baltic Cod (SGABC) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Age-length Structured Assessment Models (SGASAM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Assessment Methods Applicable to Assessment of Norwegian Spring Spawning Herring and Blue Whiting Stock (SGAMHBW) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Baltic Ecosystem Health Issues in support of the BSRP (SGEH) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Baltic Ecosystem Model Issues in support of the BSRP (SGBEM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Baltic Fish and Fisheries Dynamics (SGBFFD) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Baltic Fish and Fisheries Issues in the BSRP (SGBFFI) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Baltic Sea Productivity Issues in support of the BSRP (SGPROD) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Biodiversity Science (SGBIODIV) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Catch Comparison Methods and Analysis (SGCOMP) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Closed Spawning Areas of Eastern Baltic Cod [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Cold Water Corals (SGCOR) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Collection of Acoustic Data from Fishing Vessels (SGAFV) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on combining gear parameters into effort and capacity metrics (SGEM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on data requirements and assessment needs for Baltic Sea trout (SGBALANST) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Ecological Quality Objectives for Sensitive and for Opportunistic Benthos Species (SGSOBS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Effects of Sound in the Marine Environment (SGESME) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Establishing a Frame-work of Indicators of Salmon Stock Abundance (SGEFISSA) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Fish Avoidance of Research Vessels (SGFARV) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Fisheries Induced Adaptive Change (SGFIAC) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Fisheries Optical Technologies (SGFOT) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Growth, Maturity and Condition in Stock Projections (SGGROMAT) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Management of Integrated Data (SGMID) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Management Strategies (SGMAS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Multispecies Assessment in the Baltic (SGMAB) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Multispecies Assessments in the North Sea (SGMSNS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Quality Assurance (SGQUA) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on recruitment variability in North Sea planktivorous fish (SGRECVAP) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Redfish Stocks (SGRS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Regional Scale Ecology of Small Pelagic Fish (SGRESP) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Risk Assessment and Management Advice (SGRAMA) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Salmon Age Determination (SGSAD) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Salmon Scale Readings (SGSSR) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Sea Bass (SGBASS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Statistical Methods for Analyzing Climate Change Consequences (SGSMACCC) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Stock Identity and Management Units of Redfishes (SGSIMUR) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Survey Trawl Standardisation (SGSTS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Target Strength Estimation in the Baltic Sea (SGTSEB) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on the Bycatch of Salmon in Pelagic Trawl Fisheries (SGBYSAL) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on the Development of Fish Pots for Commercial Fisheries and Survey Purposes (SGPOT) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on the Development of Fishery-based Forecasts (SGDFF) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on the Estimation of Spawning Stock Biomass of Sardine and Anchovy (SGSBSA) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on the evaluation of assessment and management strategies of the western herring stocks (SGHERWAY) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on the North Sea Benthos Project 2000 (SGNSBP) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on the Revision of Data for North Sea Herring (SGREDNOSE) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on the Status of Diadromous Fish Species (SGSDFS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Unaccounted Fishing Mortality (SGUFM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group on Working Hypotheses Regarding Effects of Climate Change (SGWRECC) [translation missing for 'en']
- Study Group to Review Ecological Quality Objectives for Eutrophication (SGEUT) [translation missing for 'en']
- Test group (TGWG) [translation missing for 'en']
- The Study Group on the Biology and Life History of Crabs [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group for Regional Ecosystem Description (WGRED) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES Areas VIII and IX (WGACEGG) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Anchovy (WGANC) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Application of Genetics in Fisheries and Mariculture (WGAGFM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Assessment of New MoU Species (WGNEW) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Beam Trawl Surveys (WGBEAM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Biological Effects of Contaminants (WGBEC) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Crangon Fisheries and Life History (2001 C.Res) (WGCRAN) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Data and Information Management (WGDIM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Ecosystem Effects of Fishing Activities (Working Group on Ecosystem Effects of Fishing Activities) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Elasmobranch Fishes (WGEF) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Environmental Interactions of Mariculture (WGEIM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Fish Ecology (WGFE) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Fisheries Acoustic Science & Technology (WGFAST) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Fishery Systems (WGFS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (WGICZM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms (WGITMO) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Mackerel and Horse Mackerel Egg Surveys (WGMEGS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Marine Data Management (WGMDM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Marine Fish Culture (WGMAFC) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Marine Fish Welfare (WGMAFW) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Marine Habitat Mapping (WGMHM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Marine Mammal Ecology (WGMME) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Marine Sediments in Relation to Pollution (WGMS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Marine Shellfish Culture (WGMASC) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Methods of Fish Stock Assessments (WGMG) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Modelling of Physical/Biological Interactions (WGPBI) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods (WGSAM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon (WGNAS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Oceanic Hydrography (WGOH) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Pathology and Diseases of Marine Organisms (WGPDMO) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Phytoplankton Ecology (WGPE) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Quantifying All Fishing mortality (WGQAF) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Recruitment Processes (WGRP) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Seabird Ecology (WGSE) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on the Assessment of Demersal Stocks in the North Sea and Skagerrak (WGNSSK) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on the Assessment of Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Sardine and Anchovy (WGMHSA) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on the Assessment of Northern Shelf Demersal Stocks (WGNSDS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on the Assessment of Southern Shelf Demersal Stocks (WGSSDS) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on the Assessment of Southern Shelf Stocks of Hake, Monk and Megrim (WGHMM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on the Biology and Assessment of Deep Sea Fisheries Resources (WGDEEP) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on the Biology and Life History of Crabs (WGCRAB) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on the Effects of Extraction of Marine Sediments on the Marine Ecosystem (WGEXT) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on the Statistical Aspects of Environmental Monitoring (WGSAEM) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Widely distributed Stocks (WGWIDE) [translation missing for 'en']
- Working Group on Zooplankton Ecology (WGZE) [translation missing for 'en']
Preferred labels German
- ICES Working/Study Groups