International Marine Conventions & Treaties [translation missing for 'en'] Concept
Assigned collections
Broader terms
Narrower terms
Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) [translation missing for 'en']
- International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe River (ICPE) [translation missing for 'en']
- International Commission for the Protection of the Odra River against Pollution (ICPOaP) [translation missing for 'en']
- International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) [translation missing for 'en']
OSPAR Commission (OSPARCOM) [translation missing for 'en']
Regional Fisheries Organisations (RFOs) [translation missing for 'en']
Preferred labels German
- International Marine Conventions & Treaties
Preferred labels English
Alternative labels German
- Internationale Meeresschutzkonventionen und Verträge